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The ”what will I do now teacher?” pack.

The ”what will I do now teacher?” pack.

The ”what will I do now teacher?” extension pack! This resource is one I made with a range of learners in mind! • This pack includes seven task areas which children can work on after the main lesson task work has been complete and they wait for the other students to finish up! Total of 28 task cards. • During my placement, I found that children liked a more creative extension challenge rather than a worksheet! (I bought a pack of 300 envelopes in euro giant on placement and honestly, they absolutely loved the idea of sending letters to their friends in the class as extensions, very cheap and easy!) So these cards are to combat that worksheet kind of boredom I found! • I focused on; writing, reading, number, wellbeing, drawing, designing and list-making tasks!
Diversity Discussion Pack

Diversity Discussion Pack

This pack contains “21 diversity discussion prompts”. These are how I plan to introduce areas of race, ethnicity and equality into my classroom. • From reading up on the BLM campaign I have learnt that schooling has the privilege to educate, cause compassion and strengthen support towards the black community. • For classes in PDMU on placement, I found circle time styled lessons where always the most enjoyable for the children. For little bodies, they have big opinions and love to share so I thought this would be the most fitting away to open conversations about oppression in the black community. I got this idea from the brilliant @theyoungeducator • Race and equality must be a conversation we present and cover in great detail in our schools, children should be exposed to a range of resources which include discussions of ethnic inequalities. • Children come from a range of backgrounds and families but we must present them with these important conversations in order to unite and support every single human being on the planet.


I have been thinking the past few days of strategies which I could put into place during my NQT year to ensure I do not get overwhelmed with the constant ‘Miss how do you spell?” questions. Although I have never let my dyslexia hold me back I handle it in the classroom by purposely thinking ahead and planning greatly in advance. I can execute a lesson to the standard which children deserve when I do this, however, the older I went in my school placement year groups the more I was faced with moments of panic wondering if I am spelling words correctly for the children which they have required for a piece of writing work. (These words you can not truly plan for as every child brings a unique version of the work to the classroom and for that requires a different set of tools and in this case spellings. To combat these moments I had of panic during my teacher training, for my NQT year I have designed these handy “Speedy Spelling Tickets”. My plan for these is to have a bunch cut-out, in my desk ready to give out to a child if I do not have the time to check the spelling myself (if I am working with a target focus group). These tickets promote child lead learning as they first have to sound the word out, they must write what they hear. They then use peer scaffolding to aid the spelling (ask a student at their table how they think the word might be spelt). They can then research the work using a classroom iPad, computer or dictionary and write the correct spelling down. They will then confirm what source they used to find the spelling. I would hope by children carrying out this short task it will not only widen their own spelling bank and vocabulary but will further take pressures of spelling off me. I will then, of course, take the ticket and check it for the child, I was thinking of putting the tickets into a scrapbook for the children to go to if they need to be reminded for the spellings. Voila! creating a classroom spelling manual!
Coronavirus Task

Coronavirus Task

“Coronavirus” is a book for children about Covid-19. For me, it is important that all children have an understanding of the pandemic they are living through. To combat worries and stress I have begun to do some planning on explanations of “Coronavirus” to my class. I bought the brilliant book “Coronavirus” by the consultant: Graham Medley in Easons (bookmark) for only €2.99 and I have begun to base all my information and work around this book. It is brilliant because although it is very detailed it is very easy to read and to be honest I learnt a lot from reading it! Here’s a wee work task I put together to lead the children’s learning on the content I will be presenting to them on the virus! with illustrations by Axel Scheffler and a £1 donation of the book going towards charity you can’t go wrong if you need something easy and cheap to educate yourself and your little class!
Our Wonder Wall

Our Wonder Wall

“OUR WONDER WALL” I had this idea out running one day, I wanted a way to positively reinforce kindness, sharing and caring traits in my students and by allowing them to fill this wall up by writing on the limited brick outlines with whiteboard markers I hope to highlight the importance of being a good person. At the start of the year, the wall will be clean and empty, as the children show can kindness, caring and sharing traits I will allow them to write on one of the bricks for the class to see. One the class have filled up the wall I can only imagine that a reward would be well deserved. I made my wall quite big on purpose to let the children chip away at it each term. This wall will allow all students to strive in the project of showing kindness regardless of their academic, sporting or musical ability which in my opinion I find the three most commonly awarded traits in children in schools.
Time Out

Time Out

I need to take 5, my head needs a break, when I come back inside, I am sure I’ll feel great!